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Caiden Cares' mission is to connect the homeless and underserved populations with resources to build a better life while exemplifying God's love.

Giving back to those who have nothing to give!

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Feeding The Homeless

December 10,2023

Warm Bodies Warm Heart

February 2024

Want To Be A Volunteer?

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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Caiden Cares has existed for two years and aims to expand its outreach and offerings to various communities in the surrounding Cleveland area. At this pivotal point in our growth, we need your support to help reach as many underserved children, women, and men as possible. To fulfill our mission and provide services in our community, we seek the assistance of community-minded individuals like you to commit to supporting our ongoing collection of clothing donations, food donations, and monetary donations.

GOAL: $10,000

Monetary Donations

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Clothing & Food Donations

Fill out donation form below!

Cash App


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Donate Now

Fill out this form to let us know what you would like to donate.

Thank you for your donation! We will contact you with next steps!

Donation Item

We will call to set up a pick-up time.

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