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Matthew 5:42"Give to those who ask, and don’t refuse those who wish to borrow from you."

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Caiden Cares' mission is to connect underserved populations with resources to build a better life while exemplifying God's love.

We are seeking traveled-sized items to fill the Caiden Cares Bags (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, comb, brush, mouthwash, blankets & and pillows.

Proverbs 19:17" Those who are gracious to the poor lend to the Lord, and the Lord will fully repay them."


Our mission for the community is to assist families with essential and basic living needs by providing food, clothing, household goods, and gently used items. We create a solid support system to help with the street of uncertainties in life.

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Caiden Cares has partnered with Unite Us, which is a network of health and social care to provide everyone who connects with the ministry with the services that they need. 

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Carolyn Pickens

2037 Taylor Rd.

East Cleveland, OH 44112

Interlink Ministries

P.O. Box 460

Apple Creek, OH 44606

Serving The Lord Through the heart of a Child

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man"
Colossians 4:6

Februrary 2023

Prayer Move Mountain Ministry 

The Lord came through in 2022 blessing this ongoing ministry enabling the students attending the school to progress in all educational areas including technology. The Heart of a Child orphanage project is moving along since the end of the rainy season. The exterior of the building is completed, and the windows, doors and indoor plumbing will be installed as funds become available. Continue to pray for the ministry as they reach out to those in the surrounding areas with the Work of God.

Rock Hill Baptist Church 

This past year has been a time of many struggles for Pastor George, his family and the church. Their faith in God has enabled them to prosper in spite of the trials. The Lord provided funds needed to pay for the land and strengthen the members and they cleared the land for church and school. The Lord has provided most of the needed funds for Pastor George and his team to travel this month to conduct workshops and seminars. Pray for those attending as they may be reached with the Word of God. The Lord continues to bless the orphanage protecting the children and staff from illness during and following the rainy season. The completion of the cinder block fence will hopefully be completed soon. Several of the mattresses were damaged by the rain and in need of replacement join me in prayer for thr needed funds as soon as possible. The children were blessed during the Christmas season as the Lord provided funds for a special Christmas meal and at the beginning of 2023 a barrel arrived with much needed food, clothes and shoes which were much needed. Continue to pray for the arrival of the Mercy Ship and needed surgery for Slyvester will be done 

Prayer Request
Continue to pray for: The whole Armor of God Ministry and The Kingdom of God outreach Ministry's in Cleveland. Pray for the children in America as they attend school in fear of an intruder causing them harm. Pray for the churches as they open the doors of the church for much needed spiritual nourishment for the children. 
Novia Scotia
The Lord continues to bless the children's ministries as well as the church services conducted in the Middleton area under the direction of Missionary Theresa Character. Continue to pray for her health as well as the co-laborers. Continue to pray for Grace Baptist Church in Shelburne as they seek God's direction in selecting a pastor. Donations for the ministry are to be sent to Interlink Ministries P.O. Box 460, Apple Creek, Ohio 44606. Donations are to be made out to Interlink Ministries with an enclosed note for "Pickens Project" for the "Heart of a Child" orphanage all other donations will continue to be used to provide food for widows and orphans.

Missionary Carolyn Pickens

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